I have suffered from insomnia for as long as I can remember, to a point where I end up with anxiety over going to sleep. So imagine my joy when I found some amazing crystals for sleep. They have been a real game changer for me since using them.
I keep amethyst under my pillow to help stimulate sleep, I also keep Howlite under my pillow with it. Howlite will help keep you grounded whilst you sleep. Amethyst and Howlite together are the perfect partners. However if you happen to be somebody who finds themselves taking on other peoples energy throughout the day, or you have night terrors, I suggest not using amethyst as this can make the symptoms worse. Instead try using black tourmaline or smokey quartz.
If you have trouble sleeping due to anxiety try using Chiastolite under your pillow, this is an amazing crystal specifically for easing your fears and calming extreme cases of anxiety.
If you want to remember your dreams try red jasper under your pillow, this will help you gain control over your dreams and will help make your dreams more joyful.
The best thing to do is to try some combinations and see what works best for you.
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