Saturday, August 11, 2018

New Moon Crystal Cleanse

With the new moon on it's way tonight, I just wanted to share how I cleanse my crystals each month and why it's important. Over this past year I have had a lot of practice with crystals, cleansing them and how they work. Bringing your crystals into this monthly ritual is a great way to make sure they are as energetically clear as possible. Believe it or not crystals hols onto the energy they take from you and the environment. So it is good practice to purify their vibrations on a regular basis, especially if you are using them often.

There are several different ways to cleanse your crystals. My favourite way is to use water, this gives them a deep energy cleanse. Think about how clear and grounded you feel after a great meditation session, it the same idea really, in order for us to be functioning at our best vibration we need to take care of ourselves with self love. 

Crystals are tools that I use in my daily life, whether it be for manifestation, helping my sleep or just for grounding. Keeping them in tip top shape is something I want to share with you today. 

Before setting your crystals out to cleanse, wash them in a little purified water. After washing and drying them, place them directly on the ground, if you can't do this any natural surface will work. I have to put them on a little table as our dog tends to go and and either lick them or try and eat them. The next day let them charge for a few hours in the sunlight. There are some crystals like citrine, amethyst, aquamarine, fluorite, rose quartz and smokey quartz that fade in direct sunlight, so I tend to pull them ones straight in after the sunrise.  

Steps for cleaning your crystals in the new moon:

Wash them well
Just a quick wash under the tap will do for this, it is advised if you live near the ocean or a stream to wash them there. We live next to a stream, but I have too many crystals to be tracking back and forth really. 

Set your crystals out
The perfect time to do this is just after sunset. A natural surface is best, but if that isn't a possibility, putting them near a window where they will get direct moonlight is the next best thing. As you set each one out name something you want to let go of. You are welcome to name the same thing over and over or pick a different one with each crystal the choice is yours. I wouldn't however name more than five, anymore and you will start to lower the vibrations. This is a practice that will help to seal in what we are ready to release with the full moon. 

Pull them in the next morning
It's nice to be able to give them a little reboot in the sunrise, but just not for long. Pull them in after the sun has risen.

Charge your crystals with intentions
This is one of my favourite parts of this ritual, this is even more important than naming what we want to release. Once you have pulled your crystals back in, charge them with your intentions. Charging crystals with your energy helps them stay focused. Once they are charged it's best to not let others handle them (unless they are charged specifically for others or clients) as they will absorb the energy of other people. 
You can charge all your crystals at once if you like, just imagine them soaked in healing energy. They can also be charged individually or in groups. It's really up to you how you do this. There is no right or wrong way to charge them, let your intuition lead the way.

Close the ritual
I like to close the ritual with a little thank you to Mother Earth for the way she supports our precious lives and to the crystals for all the hard work they do for me. After giving thanks I then like to burn a smudge stick to rid my home of any negativity.

Do you cleanse and charge your crystals, what is your favourite ritual? 

Have a great new moon!

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