Monday, May 14, 2018

Crystal Therapy: Amethyst

Amethyst happens to be one of my most favourite crystals, this gorgeous purple stone has been used throughout history for promoting restful sleep, focusing energy and for the crown chakra. It has massively helped me with my headaches, I used to get them a lot till I started meditating with an amethyst on my crown chakra.

Amethyst is a semi precious stone and is the birthstone for February. It is a part of the quartz family and ranges from a light to deep purple. It comes in the forms of tumblestones, geodes, clusters and rough crystals.  

The first time I used amethyst for my headaches, I was amazed at the relief I got from it. It was like a huge weight was lifted off my forehead, and even though I had my eyes closed I saw a bright light. I lay there with beach music playing for about 15 minutes. 
Amethyst is well known for insomnia, addiction, craving, transformation and deepening spiritual development.

Amethyst activates the 6th chakra - the third eye and the 7th chakra - the crown. 

How To Use

There is no right or wrong way to use your amethyst crystals, there are many ways to try using them though such as:

Place amethyst on your forehead
This helps relieve headaches, it awakens your third eye, it helps calm and focus your mind and helps soothe your nervous system.

Place a piece of amethyst under your pillow/beside your bed
This helps aid a restful nights sleep, it reduces nightmares and encourages pleasant dreams.

Wear amethyst on a necklace
This heals your heart and lungs, it will protect your energy and supports your romantic relationships.

Hold it as you meditate
This increases positive thoughts.

Place a piece on your desk
This keeps the energy nice and clear, its amplifies creativity and cleanses electromagnetic waves.

Carry a piece in your pocket
This can help overcome addictions and fears, helps you stay clear and centred during the day, it will help assist you with situations where you feel you need to stand your ground and it also will help you to stop overspending or gambling.

Have you got yourself a piece of amethyst yet?

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